Middle School Student Handbook
Welcome to Monticello
Believe. Inspire. Succeed.
- Mission
- Monticello Contact Information
- Bell Schedule
- School Hours
- Attendance Procedures
- Student and Parent Information
- Rules & School Policies
- Discipline Guidelines
- Disciplinary Actions
- Emergency Procedures
- PBIS Behavior Matrix
- Teacher Contact Information
We believe we make a difference in the lives of our students by providing a safe and supportive environment where ALL students receive a high-quality, comprehensive education that inspires them to become life-long learners with the skills and knowledge to succeed in high school and beyond.
- Be polite and courteous
- Have a positive attitude
- Listen to/follow directions of all staff members
- Treat others as you would like to be treated
- Acknowledge others
- Accept consequences
- Be prompt
- Be dependable
- Be organized
- Maintain self-control
- Be physically safe
- Be emotionally safe
- Be intellectually safe
- Maintain self-control
- Participate & listen
- Use time wisely
- Ask questions
- Set goals
Monticello Contact Information
Main Office: (360) 575-7050
Principal: Scott Merzoian
Assistant Principal: Gina Ramsey
Principal Secretary: Katie Berridge
Attendance/Athletics: (360) 575-7041
Attendance/Athletic Secretary: Courtney Rogers
Health Office: (360) 575-7049 - Linda Stalding
Bilingual Liaison: (360) 575-7797 - Martin Rios
Cristina Hernandez - (360) 575-7055
Guidance Office: (360) 575-7042
Counselor: Dave Rodman (Last Names A-K)
Counselor: Michelle Opgrande (Last Names L-Z)
Counseling Secretary: Cassidy Johnston
Monticello Student Assistance Professional: Jodi Fowler: (360) 575-7058
F.C.R.C. (Family Community Resource Center): (360) 575-7250
Transportation: (360) 575-7866
District Office: (360) 575-7000
Bell Schedule
Monday – Tuesday – Thursday - Friday
- 1st: 7:55-8:45am
- 2nd: 8:48-9:36am
- 3rd: 9:39-10:27am
- 4th: 10:30-11:18am
- 5A Lunch: 11:21-11:51am
- 5A Class: 11:54am-12:42pm
- 5B Class: 11:21am-12:09pm
- 5B Lunch: 12:12-12:42pm
- 6th: 12:45-1:33pm
- 7th: 1:36-2:25pm
Wednesday (Early Release)
- 1st: 7:55-8:35am
- 2nd: 8:38-9:18am
- 3rd: 9:21-10:01am
- 4th: 10:04-10:44am
- 5A Lunch: 10:47-11:17am
- 5A Class: 11:20am-12:00pm
- 5B Class: 10:47-11:27am
- 5B Lunch: 11:30am-12:00pm
- 6th: 12:03-12:43pm
- 7th: 12:46-1:25pm
School Hours
Arrival and Dismissal
Doors to the gym and courtyard open at 7:30. Students entering the building are to go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast or wait in a designated area. Students can enter the hallways and classrooms at 7:50 a.m. Students will be allowed to go to their lockers to drop off their backpacks and must be in class when the 7:55 bell rings. Students needing to see a teacher before school should report to the office and the attendance secretary will write them a pass. If students are not participating in an after school activity, they must leave campus at the end of the school day which is 2:25 p.m.
Wednesday Early Release
Students will be released on all Wednesdays at 1:25 except the first week of school.
Conference Dates & Times
- October 27-28, 2022
- Student Early Release is 10:55 a.m. March 9-10, 2023
- Student Early Release is 10:55 a.m.
Other Early Release Days (at 11:55am)
- November 23 - Thanksgiving Break
- December 21 - Winter Break
- March 31 - Spring Break
- June 14 - Last Day of School
Class Passing Time
A three minute break is allotted between class periods which allows students the necessary time to move from one class to another and make restroom stops.
Monticello is a closed campus school. Once students arrive on school grounds they are not to leave campus during school hours without being checked out through the main office by a parent or guardian.
Attendance Procedures
Regular attendance is essential to the learning process and absences inhibit a student’s opportunity to make academic progress. Our attendance procedures aim to maximize learning time. Once a student has arrived on campus, he/she is not allowed to leave campus without authorization from the office. School attendance must take precedence over other activities. All visiting, trips, shopping, medical/dental/hair appointments, and/or other engagements should be arranged before or after the school day if at all possible. Improving school attendance increases the likelihood that children will be successful in school. Also, improved attendance decreases problems related to inappropriate social behavior such as gang activity, vandalism, burglary, and drug/alcohol abuse. (Please refer to RCW 28A.225.010)
Tardy Procedure
All students are expected to be on time to their classes. On time is defined as being at their learning station (as determined by the teacher) before the tardy bell rings. Students who are continually tardy or unexcused will make up for the loss of learning time through detention. Students who arrive at school after 7:55 a.m. must check in at the office before reporting to class. A note from a parent verifying the reason for being late must be brought to the attendance secretary.
Reporting absence to school
If a student is going to be absent or late to school, a parent or guardian must call the attendance office at 575-7041. You can reach the attendance secretary at this number from 7:00-3:30. If it is outside business hours please leave a message on the voicemail. In addition to calling when your child is absent, sending a note with them when they return helps to ensure that our attendance records are complete and accurate. Please help us track specific illness information to better understand why your student is missing school and to compare absenteeism rates for various general health complaints among schools over time. If your child has the symptoms of the flu or COVID such as fever, chills, cough, loss of sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath or intestinal related illnesses, please contact the office and keep your student home.
Longview School District policy and regulations require a child's parent/guardian to either call the school or send a note explaining the reason for a child's absence. The principal determines whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Parents cannot excuse a child's absence under the regulation of defining unexcused absences.
Notification in writing or by phone to excuse a student’s absence must occur within 3 days of the absence. If the school does not receive a phone call on the day of an absence, an automated phone call will go out notifying parents of the absence. When a student returns to school after an absence, they must report to the attendance secretary’s window to check in and turn in notes excusing the absence.
When you call or send a note, please let us know why your student was absent from school indicating what illness caused the absence based on the following selections:
- Asthma or asthma like symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath)
- Cold symptoms (respiratory, sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, mild cough)
- Dental condition (toothaches, dental surgery)
- Family emergency (family matters)
- Flu or COVID (high fever, body aches, severe headache)
- Fever
- Headache
- Injury
- Intestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
- Other health condition (not specified by guardian or does not fit under other category)
School related absences that do not require notification:
- School activities (athletics, band, choir, etc.)
- Suspensions (these will not be counted as absences they will be excused)
Non-School related absences that require notification:
- Appointments
- Illness or a health condition
- Family emergencies
Excessive Excused Absenteeism Students who demonstrate a pattern of parent-excused non-attendance for any period of the day will be required to provide a note from a physician for each absence after their tenth excused absence (for each semester) or the absence will be recorded as “unexcused.” Parents will be notified in writing when their student has reached seven total excused absences for a semester and reminded of this impending requirement.
Procedures for Gaining Prior Excuse for a Future Non-School-Related Absence
(Pre Planned Absence):
Please fill out a pre-arranged absence form (available in the main office). The following information will need to be included: date of the absence(s), reason for the absence, and homework request for all classes to be missed. Please give us at least three days’ notice for pre-arranged absences.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences include: all absences for personal reasons with parent permission that do not meet the criteria of excused absences required by the school. Any absence that does not fall into one of the categories defined in the Excused Absences section shall be considered unexcused and will then result in truancy. The principal or designee will make the final determination of whether or not an absence is excused. Monticello will follow the procedures below regarding unexcused absences:
- Parents are contracted when there is an unexcused absence.
- Upon a student’s third unexcused absence, the parent will be notified in writing with an explanation of the attendance problem and future consequences and a conference appointment.
Students who consistently miss school without an excuse will be subject to the provisions of the “Becca Bill” outlined below.
Becca Bill
RCW28A.225.030. School districts are required to file a petition with the juvenile court for attendance violations by a parent or child.
State legislation requires that schools report to the juvenile court when students reach a defined excessive number of absences or it is demonstrated that poor attendance is having a negative impact on their learning process. Monticello Middle School will petition the juvenile court in any of the following circumstances:
- A student has been unexcused absent seven (7) times in one (1) month.
- A student has been unexcused absent ten (10) times in one (1) school year.
- A student’s consistent absenteeism is causing their academic progress to lag behind that of other students at their grade/ability level.
[The Washington Legislature enacted truancy legislation in 1995. The law was named for a Tacoma student, Rebecca Hedman, who was murdered in Spokane in 1993. The legislation is often referred to as the "Becca Bill" or "Becca Law" and requires schools to file petitions with the Juvenile Court.]
RCW.28A.225.010 – Attendance Mandatory.
All parents in this state of any child eight years of age and under eighteen years of age shall cause such child to attend the public school of the district in which the child resides and such child shall have the responsibility to and therefore shall attend for the full time when such school may be in session.
Dropped from Enrollment
A student may be dropped from enrollment due to non-attendance if they reach 20 consecutive absences. At that time the student will need to return all school issued books. Students and parents will need to meet with the administration and/or counselors prior to re-enrollment. This does not impact the truancy process, and any legal action taken will still be in effect.
Student and Parent Information
Middle school offers the following sports for 7th & 8th grade students:
- Football
- Volleyball
- Cross Country (6th Grade included)
- Wrestling (6th Grade Included)
- Girls Basketball
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Bowling
- Track (6th Grade Included)
Athletic paperwork: All athletes must have their paperwork on file prior to participating. Forms are available in the main office and also on our website.
- Sports Physical
- Safety Guidelines
- Medical Emergency Authorization
- Code of Conduct
- Concussion
- Who Can Pick Up
- Study Hall
All athletes must have health insurance. If a student is not already insured, an inexpensive policy may be purchased. All students will receive this school insurance application at the beginning of the school year. (Policy 2151)
Monticello students are expected to be in class on time and ready to learn. Students who are chronically tardy or unexcused absent from their classes will be subject to disciplinary actions.
Checking Students In and Out of School
For anticipated appointments, please send a note with your student and have them bring it to the main office when they arrive at school in the morning. For unanticipated checkouts, please contact the main office at least one hour prior to pick up to inform us when your student will be leaving and/or returning the same day. An hour’s notice helps provide time to locate your student especially during PE and lunch time. Students will get a temporary dismissal slip from the attendance secretary to release them from class at the appropriate time. This slip will be shown to the teacher when it is time to leave. Students are to bring the slip back to school at check in if they are returning the same school day. As a security measure, identification and a signature will be asked for when picking up a student.
Contacting Students at School
If parents need to contact their student while they are in school, they should contact the front office to have a message delivered to their student in the classroom. Parents are discouraged from contacting students on their cell phones, as students are prohibited from using them during the school day. Please call the office one hour before school is released with any changes in afterschool plans or bus pass requests. We cannot guarantee students will receive last minute messages. In the case of an emergency, please let the front office know the urgency of your situation.
Contacting the School about Student Progress or Classroom Issues
Before scheduling an appointment with an administrator, parents are encouraged to contact teachers by telephone or email when questions arise regarding their student’s progress or classroom issues. If lack of progress becomes an ongoing issue, parents may want to schedule a conference with the teacher. In the case that a student is struggling in multiple classes, contact the counseling office to set up a multi-teacher meeting. In all cases, we request that initial parent contact be made with the teacher to resolve problems or concerns.
Deliveries to students are brought to the front office. A note will be sent to the student to let them know they have something to pick up between their classes. Please do not have flowers, balloons or other such items delivered to students.
Family Access/Skyward
For the most up-to-date information, we advise signing up for internet access on Family Access, a Skyward program. Both parents and students may sign up for Family Access, which allows you to view attendance, assignments, homework, grades, lunch balances and other information. Those wishing to sign up for Family Access/Skyward can do so at: www.longviewschools.com.
Field Trips
A signed permission slip is necessary for students to attend field trips. Teachers will provide a letter communicating necessary information such as date, time, destination, etc.
Food Service
The state has again provided a waiver for all students to eat free of charge during the 2022-23 school year. This includes breakfast and lunch.
Students need a PIN number to purchase breakfast or lunch in the cafeteria. The pin number can be found in the top right hand corner of their class schedule.
Free/reduced amount is subject to change pending USDA income guidelines.
Free/reduced lunch info is available in the Monticello office. Please make sure you fill out new forms each school year. Students are charged for full price meals if they have not turned in new forms verifying they qualify for free/reduced meals.
Formal Language
Students are expected to use formal language while at school. Formal Language is what you would use in a job setting. Inappropriate language will be handled as chronic misbehavior.
Homelessness/Transportation (McKinney-Vento Act)
A federal act ensures that students who experience homelessness have specific rights to a public education. A student’s ability to enroll, remain at a school, and be transported to and from school is outlined by law. More information is available at the school. (McKinney-Vento Act) (Policy No. 3115)
We will begin the year without lockers. We may add lockers at some point during the year. If we do, we will follow the expectations listed below.
Students will be assigned a locker for storage of their books and supplies. Students will have a hall and gym locker. Students have been directed not to share the combination with others. Students are to go to their locker only when necessary to avoid being tardy to class. Do not set lockers to open without using complete combination. The school will issue PE locks. Our locks cannot be opened without the master key or the combination. Do not bring locks from home. Privately owned locks are not allowed and will be cut off of lockers or baskets when found. Safety regulations stipulate that staff must have access to baskets and lockers in an emergency. There is no expectation of privacy in a Longview School District owned locker. Always double check your locker to be sure you closed it properly. If your locker jams, check in with your next period teacher, and then come to the office. Office personnel will then notify the custodian of the problem and it will be repaired as soon as possible. Students are not permitted to change or trade lockers. The school is not responsible for lost/stolen items. *Students are not allowed to write on or attach anything to the outside of a locker. If this happens, it will be removed. All decorations for lockers need to be approved by the Administration. *When lockers become available, student backpacks are not allowed in classrooms. They are to be placed in lockers at the beginning of the day and stay there until the end of the day.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is located on the stage in the cafeteria. Students may check the lost and found at lunch. Please check in the front office for smaller, non-clothing items. Items not picked up will be donated.
Nurse’s Office
If a student becomes ill at school, they must get a pass from a staff member then report to the nurse’s office for assistance. The health specialist will contact a parent or guardian if the student needs to go home. Students are not permitted to stay in the health room for multiple periods.
Medication Disbursement
Any and all medication consumed by students at Monticello must be taken under the supervision of the school health specialist or other designated and trained staff. A current Medication in School Form must be completed by the student’s medical practitioner and parent/guardian, and on file in the health room for medications taken during school hours. The medication must be in its original container and properly labeled by the pharmacy with the student’s name, time to administer and amount of dosage. Only the school nurse or designated secretary may dispense the medication to the student. No medication of any kind (including aspirin, Benadryl, Mylanta, etc.) is kept in MMS’s health room for distribution to the general student population.
Students in possession of prescription or over-the-counter drugs outside of the health room will be subject to disciplinary action.
Medications given by routes other than oral route are considered nursing care and regulated by the law relating to nursing care, 18.79 RCW. Medications such as ointments, eye or ear drops, suppositories, or injections that are ordered by a LHP can only be administered by student family members, registered nurses (RNs) or licensed practical nurses (LPNs), or self-administered by the student. The administration of medications by routes other than by mouth cannot be delegated to unlicensed staff except in an emergency situation. If you have any questions regarding medication disbursement please contact the Monticello health specialist at (360) 575-7048. (Policy 3416)
PE Clothing
Monticello requires all students to dress down for PE classes. Dark shorts or sweats with a plain white or gray shirt must be worn. We recommend that you obtain gym shoes on which it is possible to print your name with a permanent marker. All of your PE clothes should be marked with your name. PE clothes must follow the school dress code.
If you prefer that your child not be photographed or recorded for information provided to the public or prefer that a piece of his or her school work not be published, send a note with your child’s name and school name to Brenda McCown at bmccown@longview.k12.wa.us.
Federal Law and District Policy 3231 outline how parents can review their child’s educational records and request amendment of those records. It also stipulates who has legitimate educational interest in records. Parents have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office in the Department of Education in regards to the handling of educational records and student privacy.
Keep your family emergency contact information current. Notify the school every time there is a change in address, phone numbers, or a change in who is authorized to pick up your child. In an emergency evacuation, students will be released only to individuals on the authorized pick-up list.
Registration of a new student can be done online at www.longviewschools.com. A student’s start date is determined once the required enrollment documents are received and a schedule prepared. There is a minimum of 24 hours after enrolling before a student can start school.
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home with students in February and mailed in June. Parents are encouraged to check Family Access regularly for current grades.
Schedule Change Requests
Student schedule change requests should be made through the counseling office. Counselors will try to accommodate all reasonable requests. However, due to the fact that some classes are only offered once or twice during the day, and with class-size limits, a schedule change might not be possible.
At selected times during the school year Monticello Middle School will offer social functions which are held during the day. These activities provide an opportunity for students to interact socially in a supervised setting. Participation in these events is a privilege to be earned by meeting criteria set by the Administration and can be revoked. Parent and staff chaperones are present at all school social functions. Parents who wish to chaperone a social must first fill out a C.H.A.M.P.S volunteer registration packet. Upon approval of information, the individual will be allowed to volunteer at the school.
No guests from other schools will be allowed to attend these events.
Buses are available to Monticello students who live at least one mile from the school and are living within Monticello's boundary. Please call (360) 575-7867 if you have any questions and/or concerns regarding your child’s transportation to and from school.
Valuables: Disclosure of No Responsibility for Theft
Students who bring valuable items to school do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is recommended that any items of value be left at home to remain safe and secure, reducing the risk of confiscation, loss or theft.
All non-employee/non-student individuals must check in through the main office where they will be given a visitor’s badge. Individuals who wish to volunteer must first fill out a C.H.A.M.P.S volunteer registration packet. Upon approval, the individual will be approved to volunteer at the school. Parents who wish to observe a class need to have approval by the building administration and make arrangements with the teacher at least 24 hours in advance.
Inclement weather will result in a two-hour late start. Buses will run two hours later than normal for all students. Lowland bus routes, when used, will be in effect in the morning and announced by noon for the afternoon runs. Listen to the radio, TV news stations, and look online at
www.www.longviewschools.com for up-to-date information. You can also sign up to have a message delivered to your email. Sign up at www.flashalert.net/signup.html. Please note, you must subscribe and keep your contact information updated; some spam filters block these messages; you can get messages pushed to your smartphone or tablet with the FlashAlert Messenger App. Information is available on the FlashAlert signup site. Information will be posted before 6 a.m. No information will be reported if school is operating on a regular schedule.
Rules & School Policies
Students sit in their designated areas for assemblies. They are to use the middle stairs and move to the end of the first available row starting at the top. Students are expected to be respectful at all times.
Cafeteria Rules
To ensure that we have an enjoyable cafeteria experience, we have developed the following guidelines:
- Please walk to the cafeteria.
- If you are getting a hot lunch, please proceed directly to the end of the lunch line. Cutting is not allowed. When finished grabbing your lunch, immediately go to your assigned table.
- If you brought lunch from home, please immediately go to your assigned table.
- Once seated you are to remain seated until you are finished eating.
- Please use your inside voice.
- When you are done eating, please clean up after yourself before being dismissed to go outside.
- All food and drink are to be consumed in the cafeteria. Food taken outside will be confiscated and thrown away.
- Please bring a coat or sweatshirt as we will all be going outside every day.
- Student helpers who want to wipe down tables should speak to an adult in the cafeteria.
- Lunch will be split into two groups to minimize the lines and congestion in the cafeteria. Some students will go outside first before eating.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell phones and other electronic devices are not essential to the daily educational process. All electronic devices and accessories such as cell phones, smart watches, cameras, iPods, headphones etc. are to be turned off or set to silent mode during school hours and not be used during the school day. Phones should be stored in lockers, binders or turned off. Students who bring electronic items do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is recommended that any items of value be left at home to remain safe and secure, reducing the risk of confiscation, loss or theft. Phones are not allowed in the locker rooms or bathrooms. Students using such devices during school hours are subject to building rules and/or regulations. Parents are encouraged to have a frank discussion with their child about cell phone usage at school and not text their students during school hours. Many major wireless carriers have a parental control feature that may be helpful in managing distractions. (Policy 3241 and 3245)
- 1st Cell Phone Offense: Phone is given to the office. Students can pick up the phone after school.
- 2nd Cell Phone Offense: Phone is given to the office. Students can pick up the phone after school.
- 3rd Cell Phone Offense: Phone is given to the office and phone must be picked up by parent or guardian.
Recording on Cell Phone or Electronic Devices
Recording or filming on school campus disrupts and impairs the learning process in the school and is prohibited. Any student violating this section shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Classroom Internet Usage
Supervised internet use in support of classroom instruction is a privilege extended to our students. Students are authorized to use the network and are expected to abide by the acceptable use guidelines. All use of school computers and the network must be in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the Longview School District. Violation of any of the conditions described in the Internet and Other Electronic Information Networks (Policy 5710P) acceptable use guidelines may result in discontinuation of student access to the school computers and the network. You can access school board policies by visiting www.longviewschools.com.
Classroom Rules
Be on time. Bring binder, pencil/pen, and paper. Respect property by keeping it neat and clean. Be attentive and follow directions. Help others to learn by being positive. "Put people up, not down!" Teachers will have specific classroom rules and procedures above and beyond those in this handbook. Failure to follow those classroom rules and procedures on a continual basis is grounds for administrative discipline.
Disruptive Conduct
Conduct which disrupts school or school activities (on or off campus) will be cause for disciplinary action. Behavior on the way to or from school, or during school which disrupts, or is threatening, shall be dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.
Students’ appearance shall be safe, appropriate, and shall not disrupt the educational process. Students at Monticello whose appearance, grooming, and or apparel is not suitable shall be given an opportunity to make appropriate corrections (Monticello has suitable clothing on a loan basis). If the student refuses, the principal shall notify the parents, if reasonably possible, and request that person to make the necessary correction. If both the parent and the student refuse, the principal shall take appropriate disciplinary action.
The following will be adhered to while attending Monticello Middle School:
- All articles of clothing, which have straps over the shoulder, must cover all undergarments.
- All clothing must cover the midriff, buttocks, breasts and underwear, (in all positions, i.e., sitting, standing, bending, and reaching).
- Excessive holes in garments may be grounds for dress code violations. Administration will decide on a case-by-case basis.
- All students must wear some type of shoes or sandals appropriate for school activities.
The following are not allowed:
- Pajama tops and bottoms
- Slippers
- Costumes
- Blankets
- Flags or Capes
- Hats or Bandanas
- Headbands with decorations, i.e. cat ears
- Attire is not allowed that promotes gangs, drugs, alcohol, profanity, racism, slander, or intimidation.
The final determination of appropriate attire in each building is the responsibility of the administration. Repeated violations by a student could result in disciplinary action in accordance with the District’s Disciplinary Code.
The use or possession of alcohol or drugs at school, on school grounds, or during a school-sponsored activity is prohibited. Any student that displays abnormal behavior that may be the result of using alcohol or drugs is subject to removal from school or activity and disciplinary and/or legal action. Possession of drug paraphernalia is subject to the same disciplinary action as usage. (Policy 3241)
Duty of Students to Report Contraband, Weapons or Unsafe Items
The staff and students of Monticello Middle School are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment within the school and its grounds. Students have the affirmative duty to report their knowledge of any contraband, weapons, or unsafe items to an adult staff member. Students who know of such items and fail to report the presence of those items endanger the safety of the staff and other students. Therefore, students who are known to have seen but did not report the presence of contraband or dangerous items, or who have participated in the planning to bring such an item to Monticello, will be subject to corrective action as per Longview School Board policy. School staff will make every effort to preserve the anonymity of students who report the presence of contraband or dangerous items. See Something Say Something.
Food and Drink
All food and beverages are to be consumed in the cafeteria. This includes beverages brought to school like Starbucks and Dutch Bros. They are not to be consumed in the halls or classrooms. Water is the only beverage allowed outside of the cafeteria and must be in a container.
Hallway Rules
Monticello will follow the 10/10 rule. No student will be allowed in the halls ten minutes after the beginning class bell rings or ten minutes before the ending bell rings. If in the hallway during the middle of the period, students will be expected to have a hall pass from the teacher or office. Students must walk quickly and quietly to their destination. They are to keep their hands and feet to themselves. If visiting a teacher outside of class time, students will be expected to have a signed and dated note from the teacher.
Hazing, Harassment, Bullying, and Intimidation
Harassment, intimidation and bullying is an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act that harms a student, a student’s property, substantially interferes with the student’s education, interferes with the school environment or disrupts the orderly operation of the school. The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers, and patrons free from all forms of discrimination and harassment including sexual harassment, hazing, and bullying. Additional information regarding policies and reporting is available at www.www.longviewschools.com. See Appendix (Policy 3207)
Students can email Mr. Merzoian at smerzoian@longview.k12.wa.us to report an issue or incident. Bullying vs. Mean v. Rude.
Bullying: Intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power.
Mean: Purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone once or twice.
Rude: Inadvertently saying or doing something that hurts someone else.
Public Displays of Affection
The Monticello community sees the school as a professional place of learning and therefore expects students to refrain from kissing, holding hands or passionate embracing while at school.
Sexual Harassment
We care about the dignity of all individuals and assume the responsibility for providing an environment that is free from all types of discrimination, including sexual harassment. Informal and formal complaint processes are available to anyone who believes they have experienced deliberate verbal, visual, or physical advances which are unwelcome by the person for whom they are intended. District Policy 3210 specifies the details. You can access school board policies by visiting www.longviewschools.com.
Skateboards, rollerblades, and Heelys use on campus is prohibited at all times. Skateboards brought to campus are required to be stored away in the student’s locker (when possible). Students who use these items on campus during the school day may have them confiscated and taken to the office for release at the end of the day. Repeated violations will result in disciplinary action. Bikes must be walked on campus and stowed at bike racks.
Since weapons have become a concern nationwide, this is to inform you that we have taken a firm stand against any kind of weapon at school. No instrument of any kind that could be considered a weapon is allowed at school and students possessing such will be disciplined accordingly. Any kind of knife, including pocket knives, are not allowed at school.
Discipline Guidelines
The overall goal of discipline is to teach students responsible behavior. To preserve the learning environment and to develop responsibility, expectations and consequences for behavior are defined for students. Each teacher develops, teaches and implements a discipline plan that is based on the school’s expectations. When misbehaviors do occur, the staff will view the misbehavior as a teaching opportunity and will respond with calm and consistent corrections and/or consequences. Students need opportunities to practice making choices in a safe environment. We will work together as a team to solve problems that are chronic or severe in nature.
All students shall submit to the reasonable rules of the district. Refusal to comply with written rules and regulations established for the governing of the school shall constitute sufficient cause for discipline, suspension or expulsion. Corrective action for misconduct must reflect good faith effort on the part of the staff.
Chronic Misbehavior
In the event of chronic student misbehavior, and a student is not responding to prior classroom interventions, the student may be referred to administration. The administration will usually follow the following progressive steps.
1. Upon arriving in the office, the student will be asked to reflect on the misbehavior and work out a plan for improvement. This provides the opportunity for students to reflect on:
- What expectation did you break?
o Be Respectful
o Be Responsible
o Be Safe
o Be a Learner
- What happened?
- Who did I harm?
- How can I fix it?
2. In addition, consequences may include but are not limited to:
- Campus clean up
- Loss of activity time
- Lunch detention (eat lunch in an alternate location)
- After school detention
- Time out ( in the office, ISS, or the opportunity room)
- In school suspension (ISS) –Students who are repeatedly referred to the office may be suspended from the regular classroom and placed in ISS for a period of time ranging from a single period to a number of days.
- Out of school suspension (OSS)
- A student who is assigned to ISS or OSS may be required to create an acceptable plan for re-entry.
- A student who is suspended out of school will be required to be present at a re-entry conference that may involve staff, administration, guidance counselor and parent(s)/guardian(s) prior to returning to classes.
Severe Misbehavior
Severe misbehaviors such as assault, fighting, intimidation, harassment, theft, drugs, arson, truancy, extreme disrespect, abusing/insulting teachers and gross insubordination will be dealt with through In School Suspension (ISS), short and long-term Out of School Suspension (OSS). In some cases, an expulsion may be administered. Law enforcement and other outside agencies may be informed of these situations.
Disciplinary Actions
In order for teaching and learning to take place in a classroom, good order must be maintained. Students are expected to behave well for their own and others' benefit. Students are responsible for their own actions and are accountable for the rules and responsibilities within this handbook.
The range of possible consequences is given below. Extenuating circumstances may cause an administrator or other staff member to impose lesser or greater penalties than those outlined.
The term "discipline" as used in this context means a consequence less severe than suspension or expulsion and may include one or more of the following:
- Warning
- After School Detention
- Phone call to parents
- Removal from class for remainder of period
- Restorative practice
- Conflict mediation
- After-school detention
- Saturday School
- Parent shadows student for a school day
- Assignments to make an apology, performs school service, or prepare a written report
- Student conference (with teacher, administrator, counselor and/or parent/guardian)
This list is an example of the most common consequences/corrective actions, other forms of corrective action may be imposed that are not on the preceding list.
Detentions may be given to students by their teacher to be served in the teacher's classroom and they may also be given by the administration for misbehavior. Students that are assigned detention by an administrator will report to the library. Students must bring school work and use their time well. No talking or disrupting will be permitted. All students/parents will receive prior notice before a detention is served. Parents may call the office to have the date of a detention changed. Failure to serve detentions (or dismissal from detention for a rules violation) will result in added detentions. Continued failure to attend detention will result in a referral to administration.
In-School Suspension
In-school suspension requires that a student attend school and work in isolation during the school day. The student serving in-school suspension will not have contact with the general student body. The student will be required to work on his/her school assignments and/or participate in various educational sessions if appropriate (i.e. drug awareness, alcohol awareness, etc.) The student will eat lunch in the in-school suspension area. Students who do not follow the in-school suspension rules will be assigned additional consequences. On the day of an assigned in-school suspension, the student is required to report directly to the office when they arrive at school.
Suspension and Expulsion
Short-term suspension shall be one to nine days, while long-term suspension shall be 10 or more days. Suspension may be "in-school" or "out-of-school" at the discretion of the administrator based on the nature and severity of the incident. Students who have been suspended for a short-term or long-term shall not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities. Students shall not be allowed on any Longview School District property nor attend school activities while suspended or expelled.
Students have the right to due process and may refer to the District Policy Handbook for further information. Expulsion shall remove the student from the school district without specified return date, although application to return may be made at any time through the Superintendent's office. Agency notification shall be made to the juvenile authorities when students are on juvenile court probation and to the prosecuting attorney's office for chronic truancy.
Emergency Procedures
The district and all buildings have emergency response procedures. Emergency procedures were designed collaboratively with school staff, emergency management officials, and police, fire, and public health officials. The procedures, which are regularly reviewed and updated, are applicable to a wide variety of emergencies. (Policy 3432)
Teachers and students will practice several types of emergency drills on a regular basis during the school year. These drills will include fire, earthquake, intruder, shelter-in-place (lockdown), and evacuation. Drills are important to build “automatic” responses and confidence. The practices also are a great opportunity for learning how to improve procedures.
If your child walks to school, please encourage him/her to follow the safe walking routes developed by our transportation department and available at the school. Also, please stress with your child pedestrian safety, crosswalk use, and following the directions of crossing patrol. Parents are asked to help their children understand that if there is an earthquake while children are on their way to school, they should “duck and cover” away from power lines, buildings, and trees.
If your student rides the bus, be sure he/she is aware of the bus rules provided by the transportation department. Bus riding students participate in emergency evacuation drills each year.
We ask parents to observe the following procedures during an emergency:
- Do not telephone the school. We must keep the lines open for emergency communications. We understand and respect your concern for your child and will use the radio for announcements.
- Tune your radio to a local radio station for emergency announcements and updates.
- You can sign up in advance to receive emergency messages sent to your e-mail, cell phone, or pager. The service is free to you. However, you need to make sure that your contact addresses are up-to-date. To enroll in the service, visit the following website: http://www.flashalert.net/signup.html
Wait to come to the school or evacuation location until instructed to do so. It may be necessary to keep the streets and parking lot clear for emergency vehicles. Our school is a weapons-and violence-free zone. Details are outlined in the following district policies: Weapons/Contraband Policy 3241 (D-5, D-6)
Emergency Evacuation Information: Fire
- At the sound of a continuous alarm, students should leave the room quickly and orderly, with no disruptions.
- Lights should be turned off and doors closed (not locked).
- Students should keep away from the building and fire lanes, report to Memorial Stadium and line-up with their 7th period class.
- Know which exit to use for each of your classes and your teachers’ designated evacuation areas. Drill instructions are posted in each room.
1. Move away from windows, shelves, furniture, and any hazardous chemicals that may spill.
2. Extinguish all burners if applicable before taking cover.
3. Drop to a crouched position under the desk or table, or along interior walls with back to any windows.
4. Cover head with hands.
5. If you are outdoors, move to an open space away from the building and any utility lines and lie down or crouch close to the ground.
Power Outage - If in class, stay in class and wait for instructions by a messenger from the office. If it occurs during passing time, students and staff will proceed to the room they are headed for and wait for instructions.
ALICE Procedures- In the event of situations involving dangerous intruders or other incidents that may result in harm to persons inside the school building(s) each class will determine appropriate action:
- ALERT: Listen for notification of a threat.
- Lockdown: Lock doors, stay out of sight, barricade doors if needed for safety.
- Inform: Call 911, notify the school office at: (360) 575-7050, call the district office at: (360) 575-7777
- Counter: Interrupt behavior, be ready to DEFEND if necessary.
- Evacuate: move from danger, exit building to nearest safe rally point or safe area.
In the event of a significant emergency event in which normal school operations may not continue, all students will assemble in the gymnasium and/or cafeteria. The designated on site student/parent reunification area will be from the back parking lot into the cafeteria with the entrance through the courtyard. In the event of a major catastrophe in which the Monticello facilities are no longer safe to occupy, the student population will be moved to the R.A. Long Auditorium or a district designated off-site location that will be communicated to parents. If students are moved to a different location, parents will be notified and the designated relocation site will serve as the off-site reunification area.
There may be a time when Monticello will be required to lock down the building; including staff and students. Since each emergency situation is unique, specific instructions for students will be given by teachers or over the intercom by the Administration. Students are expected to follow the directions and remain calm during the emergency situation. Monticello staff has been thoroughly trained and will assist students during the specific situation. Lock down drills will be practiced by staff and students throughout the year.
PBIS Behavior Matrix
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